local function autoditch(event) -- Automatically ditches the server/mm game on round end regardless of win or loss. -- Replace disconnect & gamecoordinator.AbandonMatch with your code if you want. -- Avoid getting raped on round loss. -- Delay your rank a bit. if (event:GetName() == 'teamplay_round_win' ) then gamecoordinator.AbandonMatch(true); client.Command("disconnect", true); end if (event:GetName() == 'teamplay_win_panel' ) then gamecoordinator.AbandonMatch(true); client.Command("disconnect", true); end if (event:GetName() == 'arena_win_panel' ) then gamecoordinator.AbandonMatch(true); client.Command("disconnect", true); end if (event:GetName() == 'pve_win_panel' ) then gamecoordinator.AbandonMatch(true); client.Command("disconnect", true); end if (event:GetName() == 'tf_game_over' ) then gamecoordinator.AbandonMatch(true); client.Command("disconnect", true); end end callbacks.Register("FireGameEvent", "autoditchxdxd", autoditch)